Surviving CPTSD Nightmares and My New Life

Not all PTSD nightmares manifest as direct re-experiencing of the physical trauma. Sometimes they just conjure up the same feelings.

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Surviving Reality…

Juggling a fulltime job, a husband who works all the time, a very needy toddler, a painkiller addiction, and CPTSD you can lose yourself very easily. I found myself in a constant state of autopilot while simultaneously becoming more and more bitter with the world around me. I constantly felt like I wasn’t present enough […]

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Surviving A Difficult Pregnancy…

At my very first 6 week check up they advised my progesterone levels were too low and that I would need to have them checked bi-weekly to make sure they were improving. I was so excited I was ready to have a little belly, I was ready for the pregnancy glow, I was ready for […]

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